Work Screening Options
iFit experts can assess if a job candidate is able to safely assume work duties. The candidate must pass the physical assessment, which tests whether he or she can perform the physical demands of the job.

Pre-Work Screening
Pre-work screens (PWS) can be performed before a job is offered, but must not include any portion of a medical exam.

Post Offer Screening
Post offer screens are performed following a conditional job offer and can include components of a medical exam.

Return to Work Screening
Assist employers in affirming if an employee is conditioned enough to return work after a sustained departure .

There is no level of testing that will predict every work related injury that may occur. However, establishing a well designed pre-work or post-offer screening tool will assist in providing a workforce well designed to complete the essential tasks of any worksite.
The Fit Industry team have done thousands of work site pre-work and post-offer screens helping employers find workers who are physically capable and matched to the work. Tests are created from carefully developed Job Demands Analysis' which are validated from testing current staff performing the work.
Fit Industry has performed THOUSANDS of work screens for Michigan employers.
Contact an expert to get started today!
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